This is the best Guided Journal EVER!

Yvette Polok
2 min readMar 29, 2022

The best guided journal out there! Take your life to the next level now! This is the sign you have been looking for!

This is by far the BEST guided journal on the market. Why do I say that? Well, it’s because I wrote it — that may sound arrogant, it’s not though. The reason I say it is because every word in this journal is mine, every sentence has come from MY heart.

No, it’s not perfect, but neither is life. It’s true though, it’s a true journey that I went on, a journey I choose to share with you. I was stuck, stuck in life, I felt my only purpose was to serve others constantly — putting my happiness and my dreams to the bottom of the pile, like they were not worthy.

This caused me to start feeling unhappy, unfulfilled and actually, I started to feel resentful. Something needed to change! I started searching for the answer, I bought journal after journal, nothing helped because everything and everyone expected me to know the answer — problem was, I didn’t know what the question!

I started to look around and realised I had to ask myself the questions to understand what I truly wanted, and it worked, suddenly I started to get clarity, I started to understand what made ME happy, what I needed to do and what I needed to lose. It was a breakthrough, and with that I knew I needed to share my journey and also fulfill one of my dreams, to write a book. And here it is! My guided journal, and I suspect this will be the first of many books I write. Maybe others will be a little more eloquent, maybe they won’t — but if something is written from the heart, does it really matter?

Life isn’t perfect, we are not perfect and that’s what makes this journey of ours all the more fascinating.

Anyway, here is the line the the BEST Guided journal on the market:

Buy it today, could be the best thing you ever do.

