Feeling good should be our new addiction!

Yvette Polok
3 min readApr 1, 2022

Let’s get addicted to feeling good! Eat well, think well and move well. Be mindful, breathe and love.

Feeling good all day every day is the best feeling in the world. Waking up feeling fresh, motivated and ready to have an amazing day surely is something to aim for?

I’ll tell you a secret though, it takes work to feel like this! A lot of work. I had years and years of waking up feeling exhausted, dreading the day ahead of me and just wishing the time away till I was back tucked up in bed. That is no way to live.

We are not on this earth to just sleep, we are here to make a difference, to do something amazing with our lives and the power of our minds.

We are here to thrive.

If we break it down in to 3 main areas, here’s the basics:

  1. Eat well

2. Think well

3. Move well Focus on these areas and you will start to feel better.

If I was to chose one of these to focus on first, I would go with the toughest one of all and the one that will give you the biggest return:


Change your mindset, change your life. Think about what you think about. Be intentional about what you listen to, who you listen to, what you watch, what you read. Be mindful of the conversations you engage in.

Be mindful of the story you tell about yourself, and to yourself.

Be self aware — you are either polluting the world around you or healing it with your energy and attitude. Choose and use it wisely.

Be grateful for all you have.

Love and be loved.

A positive mindset takes constant work. A positive mindset is a journey, a journey to happiness and greatness. Understanding what makes you happy and fulfilled is key to your wellness and personal growth. Figure out what or who creates the noise in your world, fix it or forget, simplify your life, find your passion and find your purpose.

Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, pick up a pen and piece of paper and write, write it all down, get it off your chest. Write a gratitude list, write 10 things you are grateful for each day — it helps lift your move, get clarity and focus.

There is ‘something amazing loading’ in all of us.

Amazing Mindset — Something Amazing Loading — YouTube

